Saturday, October 25, 2008

I should be...

talking about First Things First, the 1964 and 2000 manifestos, but as happens ANY time I should be doing something else, I just got distracted by Johnny Cupcakes.

I came across a entry showing that he's venturing tshirts into the land of belts.
Johnny Cupcakes Belts

I'll be honest, the man's Tshirt designs over the last 2 years have just been a bit too much for me aesthetically, often falling into the realm of gaudy. But these belts...they're glorious. Amazingly understated while still maintaining that slight edge that comes with indy brand clothing.

And the packaging is just beautiful. There's something about wooden boxes that is just nice, fun, and more lasting than cardboard/plastic packaging. I've got a collection of boxes from watches, wallets, and cufflinks that I just can't bring myself to get rid of. I have no need for them, but they still remain. Thinking about it, I even used to keep around the box from a package of smoked salmon until I tripped and broke all the joints.

I really shouldn't be surprised that JC has such nice packaging though, he and his pay really close attention to packaging, creating very memorable and lovable enclosures. (I didn't want to use the word packaging a third time in this sentence.) Just look at the boxes from his limited edition Halloween shirts:

There's something in the cake mix

Or for that matter, take a gander at what they use in store instead of "bags":


God, I'm in love.

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