Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh internet (Tim Biskup)

I love how often the internet seems to bring me to great coincidences.

A link from Diesel Sweeties brought me to this episode of BoingBoing TV which features a studio visit with Tim Biskup.

This got me looking at Biskup's work, which I love. (His texturing and simplistic shapes remind me a lot of another painter who's work I love: Shag. Gotta love artists with similar influences!)

I particularly like his pieces with his recurring character Helper. In the studio visit he describes Helper as "this conflicted deamon" and I think he does an amazing job capturing that.

Helper Power #1 - Tim Biskup

Then, after drooling over various pieces, and wishing I could afford large prints by awesome people, I came across this photo a friend put up on facebook.

Helper Tree. Awesome.

That's right, Colin Williams has a Helper star. How sweet is that?

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