Thursday, July 23, 2009


Does any one else think it's odd that since I've been in Italy only one of the three (well, four now) posts I've made has had anything to do with Italy?

Yeah, me neither. Here's a post about tortillas.

Tortillas - Image from No Recipes

I started making my own tortillas a few months ago, while I was in that "lets empty the fridge" stage of getting ready to move. When I'd mention this to people people would look at me like I was a mad man. Apparently I'm not alone in that respect. [No Recipes] just posted an article about making tortillas, and it's great.

My own method involves less prep time...but maybe I should chill that dough. *shrug* I'm impatient, what can I say.

Anyway, go read the article and learn to make your own tortillas. Why's everyone act like this is hard?

1 comment:

zacharyr said...
