Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun With Lasers

It's been a while since I've given a project update here. In part because I've been really busy (1 job, 2 internships, and school) but mostly because I'm trying to find a way to tell you all about my progress / what I'm doing without giving away the ending.

I don't think I'm risking too much with this update, so here it goes.

The project I've been working on involves a lot of both large and small scale work. The small scale stuff requires a lot of parts to be fabricated. This gave me an excuse to design stuff to be made on the laser cutter we have in the building here.

Last week I cut some test pieces:
Laser Piece 1

Which I then assembled into a 3d form so they can serve their purpose of joining threaded rod at perfect 90 degree angles.

Laser Piece 1

Eventually I'm going to cut a few more of these (with modifications made, this is a learning experience.) and eventually wind up with this:
Dimmer Rig

For now though I've gotta say, lasers are just awesome.

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